This year our Active School Week was a bit different than usual. We were all at home because of the school closure which was implemented on March 12th due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We wanted to apply for our Active Flag as we had planned, so we took part in Active At Home Week with our families. What a fun week it was!

We had cycling, gymnastics, football, soccer-even doggy soccer!!  We had basketball,yoga,baking, step classes, skipping, flexibility training, homemade dice challenges and so much more. The children had great fun and their families took part more than they would have if we had been in school.

A huge thank you to all of our pupils and their families for returning their completed Active At Home charts and for participating so well in our 2020 ASW!

Some of our pupils featured on RTE’s Home School Hub Extra on Wed. May 6th.

Here are some photos and videos  to give you a flavour of the activities that took place.