Physical activity is integrated into many areas of school life in Scoil Naomh Úna. Below are just a few examples of what we have been up to this year:
We used to start the day with The Daily Mile at least three mornings per week. Now that we have our new walking/running track we incorporate The Daily Mile as part of our Sos every day. The Senior Classroom walk/run every day from 10.50am to 11am and the Junior room from 11am to 11.10am.
Lots of children use the track during lunchtime also.
Bhí Seó Faisean againn i Mhí Feabhra-an téama-Caitheamh Aimsire! The children dressed up for their Gaeilge class and showcased their favourite pastimes. We even included a dance class as two of our Rang 6 cailíní taught us all a Tic-Toc dance.
Here we see the children in Ms Sutton’s room taking part in our 4 week Active Break challenge earlier this year. What concentration during Cosmic yoga! Go Noodle got everyone up and moving again!!
Physical activity doesn’t just take place during PE class or at break times in our school. Here we see some pictures of us planting our sensory beds in 2019. There was a lot of digging, weeding and planting involved. We were grateful for some help and guidance from Michael Costello from the Heritage in Schools Scheme.
We had a very active school tour in June 2019. We went to WIT Arena in Waterford and what a day was had by all. The highlight for the older children was the opportunity to cycle on the Greenway. The younger children loved the human football, obstacle course and soccer.
Our Active School Slogan
Let’s go play,
Keep active every day,
Healthy body, healthy mind,
Keep the illness away!