A.S.F. Committee:

In October we elected our A.S.F. committee for the year 2016/2017. Everyone in the school can contribute to the activities during the year and give us ideas but we decided to have a committee to co-ordinate our efforts. The following children are on the committee: Rang 6-Ava and Rory; Rang 5-Molly,Kelly and Hannah; Rang 4-Seán and Marie; Rang 3-Ava and Fionn; Rang 2-Anna,Tom and Michael.

Our PE equipment has not been sorted for a long time. Some of it has been stored in the Old School in boxes and some is in the timber hut outside. Our first job was to clear both of those places and store the equipment in our new Sport Shed.

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This is a picture of what’s in the timber hut – not very organised as you can see. It’s very difficult to see what equipment we have and even more difficult to get the equipment out to use it!!

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Inside and outside our new Sport Shed. Thanks so much to our Board of Management for building the new shed and especially to Larry for the long awaited roof!

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How much neater everything looks now. We can see our sports equipment and easily find what we need for our PE classes and break times.

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The entire school got busy exercising for ten minutes to celebrate ten years of Operation Transformation at ten o’clock on the tenth of February!

Here we are running from Malin Head to Mizen Head. Everyone in the school played their part. We completed the 612 km as part of our Active School activities during the Christmas to Easter term this year. For part of the term we ran around the basketball court-12 and a half times round was a km! When the weather improved, we ran around the pitch- a km was 6 times round! Lots of complaints about the hill on the pitch though!

Wake-Up Wednesday and Funtastic Friday:

Now that we’ve sorted our P.E. equipment, it’s time to get the school moving. When we came back to school after the Hallowe’en break we began Wake-Up Wednesday and Funtastic Friday. The boys and girls from Rang 5 and Rang 6 have paired up and between now and Christmas each pair will put us through our paces before school starts on Wednesdays and Fridays. Plenty of Jumping Jacks and Heels-Ups to get us all awake in the mornings!

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This is our Active School Slogan!

Writing the slogan was a collaborative work with every pupil in the Senior room having an input into the finished product.
Everyone in 3rd,4th,5th and 6th wrote their own slogan. They were all read out in class. We picked lines we liked from a few different slogans and played around with it until we were happy.
We hope you like it. Now GET ACTIVE!


The Shielbaggan Way!

Hurray! Hurray! Let’s go play!

No T.V. for me today!

Run, jump, kick and scream.

It’s not as bad as it first seems.

Get out for 60 minutes a day.

This is the Shielbaggan way!

We had to work hard to earn our Easter Eggs this year. Sprinting, jumping jacks, lunges- only some of the activities that took place during our Easter Egg Hunt. It was great fun and the rewards were worth the effort!!