We came to the end of an era on Thursday October 25th 2018 when our secretary Ursula Culleton retired. Ursula was the first secretary to be appointed to Scoil Naomh Úna. She spent 17 years working tirelessly in our school making sure that all the paperwork was kept up to date. keeping track of the finances and making life easier for the rest of the staff.
Ursula also served her time on the Parents Association committee as well as being a valued member of the school’s Board of Management for many years. Her loyalty and dedication to our school will be sorely missed. All involved in the school community wish Ursula the very best for a long and happy retirement. On her last day, Ursula received presentations from the school staff, Parents Association, the Board of Management as well as the children of the school.
Go n-éírí leat Ursula!